Hi Mr. Perez,
I read your advice on my dream and the kapre. Thank you very much, it was helpful advice.
I have two other dreams which I wish to consult with you. These two occurred long after
the kapre one, but like it, were quite odd.
This first dream is quite recent. It occurred sometime last September or October. I do not
have the original account which I wrote on the day I woke anymore. Instead I have a
version which I edited into a potential story plot. Still, from that account, these are the
details which I remember from the dream:
There is a girl walking through an endless hall or corridor. It twists and turns like a
labyrinth. It is also a house. I am watching her, but she is oblivious to me.
It is completeley dark. She is carrying a candle. Instead of walls, there are floor-to-ceiling
mirrors. At the other side of these, there is a parallel world that is exactly the same—
an endless corridor/house/labyrinth of mirrors that is completely dark—except that the
version of the girl that is travelling here is golden. This golden version is also carrying a candle.
The girl is not aware of the parallel world, but her golden version somewhat is. I am
watching them.
The candle is a link. Some of the mirrors are doors. The girl did not have to enter the
mirror or go through it, only pass by certain ones with the candle. Whenever this
happened, she and her golden version would trade places. Neither is aware of this
My second dream happened last July. This I was able to write down upon waking and
preserve it. In the dream I was going through videos, images, and audio clips, although
sometimes it seemed as if I was not merely viewing or listening to these items, but was
in the actual scenery. Or that each video was in itself its own dream where I would enter
and exit from. I wish to share this segment:
I am watching an ocean, its waves sloshing around the open. The camera either changes
angle or zooms out, and reveals reeds sticking out of the water. These reeds turn out to
be tiny hairs. The ocean turns out to be the blue iris of an eye, with splotches of green
and brown. In the middle is a black hole, which is the pupil.
Do you have any books on dream interpretation? It seems like a fascinating field.
Thank you.
My reply:
Hello _____!
1. First, what is the point in recording your dreams if you keep losing your records and are
unable to retrieve them when you need them?
2. Having said that, when I was teaching _Dreamwork and Dream Analysis_ as a university
elective, some of the students were unable to remember their dreams. I asked them to write
a short story on the spot and analyzed their stories AS THOUGH they were dreams.
Hence I am able to analyze the dreams you present here, even if, as you say, you edited
them. They remain valid products of your psyche, but I must give you the following advice for
the future: Do not attempt to be literary or cinematic when writing about your dreams. It gets
in the way of TRUTH.
3. The girl in the first dream is your fantasy self. She is walking through your fantasy world.
The dream/story is a reflection of your dissociative state. Whenever you are unable to cope
with everyday problems, your tendency is to go schizoid and seek shelter in an imagined
reality. Do be careful. A split personality might seem glamorous, but it is a useless burden.
4. The second dream indicates your being overwhelmed with emotion. Water/the sea are
symbols of feeling. The giant eye is yours. You are able to observe your helplessness but
are currently unable to act and do something about it.
5. Just Google-search books on dream interpretation. However, avoid dream dictionaries.
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