Go GREEN. Read from


This electronic diary is continued from tonyperezphilippinescyberspacebook31.blogspot.com.

September 20167

September 20167
Photo by Jefferson Solayao

Friday, March 3, 2017

Your Messenger message:

"Good evening , Tony !
"A few nights ago , I dreamt I was walking on multi-colored soil that was like a beautifully - designed flooring . There was an unidentifiable friend whom I was having a conversation with . I was aware that there was a door and that I was telling my male friend to hurry up with what he needed to do . I could no longer remember the rest of the dream. The beautiful soil was what struck me most .

"I will appreciate your interpreting my dream and will not mind your posting it on your Timeline . I know you will keep my identity a secret . Thank you ."

My reply:

Hello ______________!

In many of my workshops I conduct a visualization exercise in which the participants enter a forest and observe everything inside it, especially what they are treading on.

The colors on the soil you are walking on in your dream are the colors of all of the chakras that shone and created patterns in your previous lifetimes. Hence, this is a summary dream. The friend who accompanies you is your spirit guide--apparently he was also your guide in several of your previous lifetimes.

The door represents the end of a present journey. You were not allowed to see it because your journey has not yet ended, and, despite your hurrying along your spirit guide, you may still have a long way to go.

If you can remember the patterns in your dream, try to represent them in art, as in, for example, Tibetan thangkas. You might find unexpected satisfaction and fulfillment in this type of spiritual art.

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